
“I’ve never had Physical Therapy like this!”

One of the most common things patients say after their first treatment session here at JGPT is “I’ve never had Physical Therapy like this before” or “I can’t believe you actually touched me. I thought you were just going to give me a list of stretches and exercises to do.” The majority of our first [...]

2015-02-24T17:23:06+00:00February 24th, 2015|

Do you have TendonITIS or TendonOSIS?

The confusion of whether your have tendonitis or tendonosis is widespread. Pain and burning in a tendon is often called tendonitis when it is a tendinosis. Here are some key differences between the two. TendonITIS TendonOSIS Prevalence Common Rare Causes Acute overload injury Chronic overuse, repetitive strain Pathology Microtears and inflammation in tendon Thickening of [...]

2015-03-10T14:09:21+00:00February 16th, 2015|

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) usually starts gradually, with complaints of burning, tingling, "pins and needles," or numbness in the palm of the hand and fingers. Often the symptoms are more noticeable during the night, and individuals often report being wakened with symptoms. As the condition progresses, the symptoms are noticed during the daytime and are [...]

2015-01-30T15:50:18+00:00January 29th, 2015|

Should Runners Push through the Pain?

"Runners know how to handle pain. But how do you determine what pain is normal and what is cause for alarm? Muscle soreness that eases as you run can be normal. However, pain you should be concerned about may have one or more of the following characteristics: Pain that does not subside within several hours [...]

2015-01-07T15:35:34+00:00January 7th, 2015|

“An MRI never cured anything.”

That’s a quote from one of our patients who is also a physician. Sometimes we get too hung up on the results of an MRI or an X-ray and think that surgery is the only alternative. More often than not, we get patients that come in with the results of their MRI/X-ray in hand stating, [...]

2014-12-02T13:50:52+00:00December 2nd, 2014|

Postural Prehab vs Rehab

Today’s world of desk jobs and prolonged commutes makes maintaining proper posture difficult, however posture is frequently the underlying culprit that leads to neck, shoulder, and back pain. Proper posture is difficult to maintain because you must constantly fight gravity to avoid falling into positions of comfort. These comfort positions usually consist of slouching in [...]

2014-11-03T15:12:43+00:00November 3rd, 2014|

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction or “SIJD”

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJD) is a low back/pelvic condition that occurs when there is hypomobility or hypermobility at the SI joint(s) in the pelvis.   This condition can affect both males and females, however it is more prevalent in females due to hormonal changes during menstrual cycles that cause joint laxity. SIJD can also occur from [...]

2014-10-03T12:29:18+00:00October 3rd, 2014|

Balance – Freedom from the Fear of Falling

Have you ever fallen while doing laundry in your basement and had to wait for your spouse to come home to help you up? Have you ever tripped and fallen outside and felt helpless, not able to pull up on something to maneuver yourself home? Do you experience fear just walking through your living room, [...]

2014-09-03T18:33:17+00:00September 3rd, 2014|

Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Osgood-Schlatter disease (OS) is an overuse injury causing pain to the inferior knee area and often noted with a visible growth just below the kneecap on the proximal tibia. The development of OS is most often a consequence of excessive stress to the area where the patellar ligament attaches on the tibia during periods of [...]

2014-08-26T02:21:42+00:00August 26th, 2014|

What to Do During Rush Hour

In between toggling through the different radio DJs and lip syncing to the familiar sounds of the current Top 40, take a few minutes to think about your posture and what that your commute is doing to fast track you towards complaining of neck or lower back pain. And that’s before you even get to [...]

2014-08-20T11:53:34+00:00August 20th, 2014|
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