Chronic ankle sprains are when the ankle joint gives way too easily – 6 months after the first ankle sprain, or if the ankle is sprained again within 6 months of the first ankle sprain. It has been determined that 10-20 out of every 100 people with ankle sprain will develop chronic ankle instability.
Many different treatment options to treat chronic ankle sprains exist. Some people choose the surgical route to repair and strengthen the tendons. Other people choose the more conservative option of physical therapy. Physical therapy options include nueromuscular and proprioception training to improve the strength, stability, and coordination of the ankle. Another physical therapy option includes manual therapy with nueromuscular and proprioception training, which includes improving ankle joint mobility to improve walking patterns and coordination of the ankle and foot joint.
Studies have shown that 33% people that with chronic ankle stability will still have pain after the first year and 36%-85% of people recovered after 3 years. The risk of a re spraining of the ankle was from 3%-34% of patients ranging from 2-96 months following the original injury. In people with chronic ankle instability that received therapy with manual therapy, they reported decreased pain levels, improved self-reported functional ankle instability, and improved ankle strength and ROM values.
Here at John Goetze Physical Therapy our focus is on manual physical therapy with an emphasis on improving function for all of our patients. If you have sprained an ankle recently, or are continuing to have issues with a sprained ankle we can help you get back to your desired activities.
In the meantime, if you have recently sprained your ankle and it is swollen, be sure to ice regularly and elevate your ankle to help combat the swelling.
Reference: Journal of American Medicine, Manual Therapy Journal