What is Manual Physical Therapy?
You may have tried physical therapy before, but you have not experienced our hands-on, advanced techniques, used to find the source of your problem, rather than just dealing with surface symptoms. We don’t need expensive MRI’s and x-rays. We put our hands on you to feel what joints are moving properly and which ones have dysfunction or may be stuck!
We specialize in functional manual physical therapy™ which is a trademark of the Institute of Physical Art, Inc. This highly skilled method requires a significant amount of post-graduate training and utilizes a hands-on approach to diagnose and treat soft tissues and joint structures, returning your body to more natural movement without pain. This therapy can reduce or eliminate soft tissue inflammation; induce relaxation; improve tissue repair, extensibility, and/or stability; facilitate movement; and improve function. Even if you have years of history of chronic low back pain, functional manual therapy delivers immediate results by restoring the body to its natural efficient state.
We don’t put you on treadmills or hand you a list of exercise. Manual physical therapy means that we spend a full hour with our hands on you, manually mobilizing your joints, massaging your muscles, and literally feeling out what the best strategies are moving forward.